Happy May everyone! I have made 3 trips to Atlanta at the start of this past month, had a 12 hour film shoot following those trips, was coughing my head up at the beach, and finally back to a few days of normalcy when starting my new job and lastly Fayetteville Comicon and a much needed 13 hour gameplay of Final Fantasy 13. I'M TIRED. But, after dealing with some rather strenuous stituations, we have decided that a recast was inevitable for moving forward with my film, Tell Me Lies, so the entire project wouldn't end up getting scrapped. My team is doing everything in our power to finish that film ASAP. Because of this, I'm not mentioning names, but several other projects I had hoped to be in for the past few years I had also dropped due to issues with their corresponding creators. However, between now and the end of this year, you will find me on Tubi, YouTube, TikTok, Amazon Video, Netflix, and book-related stuff on here, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Audible and etc.
Now, many have taken sides on the allegations with Fayetteville Comicon and whatever has been going on. I'll be first to admit that I have no idea what the full story is, BUT as a vendor, I noticed a vast difference in the amount of attendees. My friend Jason and I set up there for both days, and between us we profited about $8 off a single transaction. So, I'm not too concerned about returning as a vendor at this point because I usually sell at least 2 books each event, but that just wasn't the case this time. I may go as an attendee just to enjoy the festivities and have more to spend. With that said, I was really hoping to gain the remainder of the Charlie pre-order money. Now, I don't know what to do.
I'm not complaining. Thank you to all who have supported me, even if you've only expressed interest in the book. However, interest doesn't pay. This is my life: being a writer. When people judged me for "not having a job," I was working to run sales and promote the CRAP out of my content. It's not easy when it's only 2 or 3 main things too. So, please take note that being an author is my primary job BESIDE marketing my own work. Usually those are 2 different people in campaigns. Charlies cost $2740. They are non-refundable. So, if people don't pre-order to help assist with the cost of this, then I get stuck with 200 baby blue tigers that aren't going anywhere. It's risky! On top of handling my personal finances. I've tried to run GoFundMe and Kickstarter, even asking the bank and small business associations for loans, but with no luck due to a continual proof of income which I only started recieving regularly again.
So, I know God has amazing things in store for my friends and I this year (and my enemies, your time's coming too) but I wanted to let you all know that I definitely haven't forgotten, I've just been overwhelmed. With that said, I may have to handle the Charlie orders from a different approach. We've raised about $600/$2740, so we have support but not enough that will help me in covering those funds with customer pay versus my own. I completely understand that I need to invest the majority myself, but I was doing so in a way that would allow my money to handle getting life back into play and using pre-orders to help shave the manufacturing cost.
Long story short: it may turn into a year-type project versus having it out sooner. More money, soon Charlies, Less money, later Charlies. At this point P L E A S E inform me, if you've pre-ordered, if you would like to be refunded your $35/unit. I am not trying to take anyone's money, I just want to be transparent about how my plans didn't fall through exactly as I thought they would. And as always, if you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, and with love in Christ, have a blessed day.
Daniel A. Dorn